Yar be Speculoos, the most amazing spread in existence. It looks rather creepily like peanut butter, but tastes like cinnamony spicy
cookies. There are Speculoos cookies as well, and you can get crunchy Speculoos with cookie chunks in it. I bought a jar on friday and could only make it last until monday. ruh roh.

Frisbee Friday! I had a lovely afternoon with my friends Katie, Jessie, Stewart, Reo and Sam playing frisbee. Getting there was pretty awesome too, because we had to walk through this cute little park along a river, which reminded me of Asia because of all the bamboo (bamboo always makes me think of Asia). The picture is from our tree-climbing detour in the park. Frisbee was soooo much fun, but isn't it always. I got rather unfortunately muddy, and probably looked a little ridiculous with my muddy knees while taking the tram home.
Other things I did this weekend:
-Had one of the first truly inedible meals of my life. I ate dinner on Friday with my friends at university cafeteria (restaurant universitaire, or RU), and it was god awful. I've eaten at several other RU's before, and they've always been decent at least. But this was a plate of mushy ravioli and broccoli that was impressively even worse than Chef Boyardee. I only managed a few bites, which is saying something for me.
-Saw Arrietty, a super precious Miyazaki movie. It was in Japanese with French subtitles, but since it's a kids movie it was easy to understand. Awesomely cute, especially the parts with the fluffy angry kitty. It's about little people that live in an old Japanese country house (based on the Borrowers).
-Went to a market on Saturday, which was overwhelming. So much food and weird fish and cheese and cheap clothes and everything. I took lots of pictures, which people found amusing. I don't think they're used to having tourists there. I also bought some legwarmers for 1.50 euros!
-Cooked Macaroni and Cheese for my host pappies for dinner on Saturday. It turned out quite well, and I think they were quite impressed, even more so since I also made a salad and set the table. I was going to make cookies as well, but as always happens when I cook, it took a much longer time to make than I expected. Afterwards they taught me a French card game and then we played Scrabble! In French! I always managed to think of words, but usually they were pretty short and not many points. Also, I decided that French scrabble is easier because you can conjugate verbs in sooo many different ways and and E's and S's to everything. It was a rather unconventional Saturday night I suppose (hanging out with my host parents?! what?!) but it was grand. If you couldn't tell, I'm a HUGE fan of my host parents.
C'est tout. I have so much more to write about! Life is too busy, but I'm in much better spirits this week. I also have tickets to Milan for break in a few weeks! WAHOOOO!
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